Swan Valley Treasure Online Hunt!
A website with a built in treasure hunt game to make it fun and encourage people to explore. The Swan Valley Treasure Hunt is a simple and fun online game in which the first person to find all 6 gems on the website will win a special prize. The gems can be found floating on a web page.
Prizes include custom merchandise by Bright Idea Graphics such as a handy compass, mugs and hoody’s.
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Swan Valley Restaurant Guide
The Swan Valley Tourism website features a Online Local Food Guide using custom built in google maps. This features also has the added get directions app so the reader can stay within the website and get direction from to the place they desire. No need to cut and paste into a new page for google maps!
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Swan Valley Accommodations Guide
The Swan Valley Tourism website features a Online Local Accommodations Guide using custom built in google maps. The reader can toggle between camping ground or hotels all with the custom google maps!
Visit Accomodations Guide

Swan Valley, Manitoba Tourism Website
Not your ordinary website, this layout and design by Bright Idea Graphics is packed with a lot of features included custom google maps with directions, perfect for the traveler looking to get to their destination.